Thursday, November 29, 2018

More 15mm Hussite Minis from Alternative Armires

Still grinding away at the pile of minis that I picked up months ago. I'm not the fastest painter but I try and make these little fellows look as good as I can while I'm working on them. These are all minis from Alternative Armies 15mm Medieval Medus Range. The minis have a lot character and detail but some of them do show their age, but at this point in my life the same is true of me.

Crusaders and Hussites clash in the lands of Bohemia.

A wall of sharp points may change the minds of those
Hussite troops.

A little more ragtag but filled with zeal, the Hussite
soldiers might repel the invaders.

I have a few more of this sculpt,
looking forward to adding
to the wall of spears.

I love the barbute helmet on this

Sold as Hungarian Man at Arms I
couldn't resist painting this one
with Hungarian Coat of Arms.

With all his plate this little German
looks like he's ready to brawl.

At this stage in the project I have about as many finished models as unfinished ones. Originally I had tried to have team colors between my German Crusaders, being mostly black and yellow, and my Hussite forces, muted red and green, but I have recently started painting my Germans all sorts of colors so I just stick to colors and patterns that I find pleasing. Keep checking back for more progress and hopefully some more fights.

Still thirsty,

Monday, November 26, 2018

15mm Hussite Miniatures from Alternative Armies

A selection of minis from Alternative Armies Medus Range, this little group will see action on the tabletop as bidowers for Lion Rampant. I've painted them in colors and heraldry to tie them in with my Hussite forces. 

Mix of bows and spearmen that I
thought looked like good
javelin armed troops.

As a group I think they fit the angry
peasant role just right.

Most armored of the batch, would
definitely be good as a foot serjeant
or fierce foot even.

Fuzzy hatted archer looks like a
forester turned religious

This one is the same sculpt as fur hat,
but I've sculpted him a bare head.

If painted right, this guy would make
a good retinue archer, as is I tried to
keep his clothes a little more drab.

Lighter than the other spear armed
mini, this guy makes an excellent
bidower but would look at home
in a war-wagon or as a foot yeoman.

I've got loads more of these that I'm working on, and despite my frequent bouts of hobby distraction my Hussite Wars project is definitely going to be a long term thing that I will continue to expand. Coming up I have a war-wagon, a houfnice, gaggles of Hussite troops, Catholic Cavalry in both noble and low-born formats, and even a few nifty "character" minis.

Still thirsty,

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Sunset at Kozawald

Ruprecht of Saxony patted the flank of his horse, he and his retinue had ridden long to reach what he hoped to claim as part of his inheritance, Kozawald, he just had the small problem of the serfs to deal with. The local priest had been filling their heads with ideas about the Church that were blasphemous but just the excuse he needed to kick the Bohemian tenants off his land and install a proper priest loyal to Rome and the Holy Father, not some recently charred heretic Czech. 

A knight on foot approached the mounted men, "Greetings Sir Ruprecht, the locals are gathering at a shrine in a glade just outside of the village. I would recommend that we advance on foot. I don't think they have any bows but the ground is no good for horses."

Ruprecht snorted but couldn't argue with the assessment, "Aye, my arse could use a break from the saddle anyway Gustav." The assorted men-at-arms dismounted and were quick to check their weapons and armor. "What are their numbers like? What's the best way to approach?"

Gustav scratched at his chin scruff, "Maybe a score, not many good weapons on them, they mostly been gathering at that shrine. The priest keeps droning on about the sacrament, and the failings of King Sigismund. There is this little boy that keeps coming over to watch me but I have not seen him for some time, I think they may have sent him for more men, but I can not say for sure. I say we just go at them, gaggle of farmers, they will scatter like sheep."

Ruprecht nodded sagely as he hefted his mace and gave it a few practice swings. "Well let us not keep them waiting, we can send the lot of them to hell before supper time, then we can get to the real business of why we came to Bohemia."

The Southern edge of Kozawald.

Sir Ruprecht and his dismounted
knights ready to drive off the
serfs of Kozawald.

The local men have gathered with
arms to hear the fiery oratory of
Petrus of Kozawald.

The boy came running back to Petrus, his cheeks red with effort and his little knuckles white from gripping a stick as hard as he could. "I did as you told me Father! I ran all the way there and back! I brought the men from the old manor. They are coming but I ran too fast for them to keep up!"

Petrus patted the boy on the head, "You do God's work lad. We will see the righteousness of our cause done today. We need simply trust in God and we can drive these German invaders from our Czech lands. Then we can see to the sacrament in both kinds and drive those wicked priests who pilfer the land for their own wealth." The crowd of serfs around Petrus cheered.

The old garrison soldiers of the late
Lord of Kozawald, now under the
banner of the Hussites.

The goats of Kozawald care little for
the goings on as long as there is
grass to graze.

The serfs and Petrus rally around the
Shrine of Ludmila, strengthening
their faith and determination.

Ruprecht's men quickly advance
taking the shortest route to the serfs
and their shrine.

The old manor guards advance
quickly through the village to aid
their Hussite brothers.

The Germans close rapidly clearly
intent on driving off the serfs.

Ruprecht and his retinue clattered forward, the plate of their harnesses rattling and squeaking, he could spot the upstart priest already, the cur was standing by the village shrine urging the serfs to arms and heresy. "These scum have turned against the Church and seek to upend the natural order of things! Let us show them the error of their ways!" The Germans cheered and redoubled their advance.

The guards move as quickly as they
can but it may not be enough.

As they form into a marching column
they realize they are too late.

Ruprecht and his men charge!

Petrus calls for the serfs to defend
their faith and the shrine to Saint

Clash of swords and scythes!

Ruprecht thundered forward at the closest serf, the man was swinging a scythe but Ruprecht simply let the ungainly tool pull the man off balance, sidestepping him then caving in the man's head with a measured backhand. The next of the rabble came at Ruprecht and was met head on with the edge of his shield, the serf staggered, his nose a bloody ruin, and before the peasant could recover his footing Ruprecht stove in the wounded man's skull. Not all of Ruprecht's men were fairing as well, Johann was on his back, a short spear sticking out from under his arm as two serfs wailed at him with clubs, Gustav ran one serf through with a sword and yet another fell to Gottfried's poleaxe. With a shout to flee the rabble broke from the bloodied knights.

"Cowards!" The cries of the Germans chased the fleeing serfs
as they fled from the bloody combat.

Having seen enough of battle the boy
fled as the disordered serfs struggled to
find their courage in the woods.

The old guards rush to intervene it 
what may yet be a victory for the 

Petrus struggled to restore order among the serfs, they hid behind trees and threw rocks at the knights, none of them had seen a battle before, and to see their neighbors slain in such a way had shaken them beyond any hardship they had suffered. "Rally! We must stand our ground! This is our land, the land of Saint Ludmila!" Perhaps if the guards fared better against the knights they would still take the field.

Anxious but hopeful, Petrus tries to
rally the serfs and perhaps snatch
victory from the jaws of defeat.

Ruprecht was less sure than when the battle had began, Johann was probably dead and while they had driven the serfs off with a bloody toll, Dieter had slumped to his knees near the shrine an was likely too wounded to fight. He was still certain of one thing, his men would fare better attacking rather than letting the heretics come to them, and so again he shouted the order, "Charge!"

With the clash of steel the two bands
again fight.

Petrus watched in dismay as the armored knights charged into the old manor guards, spears were turned aside and weapon hafts snapped as the Germans crashed home to deliver more death to the Hussites. One more of the invaders fell in the savage flurry but more of the Czechs lay slain.

One of the serfs near Petrus wailed, "God save us!"

He shared the man's fear but could not let it be known. "We must save ourselves, God will give us the strength to see these foreign devils off!" As Petrus turned to look at what was left of his flock he saw only terrified men looking back, and far fewer than he had preached to just a few hours earlier.

The old guard are routed by the skill
of German arms.

Too much to bear, more of the guards flee rather meet death
defending the shrine of Saint Ludmila.

Unable to rally his men, more serfs scurry away from the

With the spirit of the Hussites broken
Sir Ruprecht can destroy their rallying

Standing on the mound that hosted the shrine of some local saint, Ruprecht surveyed the battlefield. He had lost more of his men than he expected, the serfs driven by their faith had proven deadlier than any peasant had a right to. He looked to where Johann lay under the bodies of two slain heretics. "What a waste, you know I saw him unhorse a Lithuanian in Prussia by throwing his own broken lance at the wastrel?"

"You did not." Gustav lifted the visor of his houndskull to reveal a scowling face, "You are thinking of Utrecht of Denmark, and he died in Prussia." Gustav wiped his bloody sword clean on the tunic of a fallen serf. "Besides, we have taken the field, we killed a dozen heretics, rejoice for we do God's work here in Bohemia."

Battle report for a small (6 point) game of Lion Rampant set in my historical fiction Hussite War setting. Don't know or care if it's one hundred percent accurate but it was a fun test of the Defending the Indefensible scenario. It pitted the small but elite band of German foot men-at-arms against a unit of Hussite serfs and Hussite expert foot yeomen. The initial fight between the serfs and knights was closer than I expected as I chose to treat the shrine as difficult ground to buff the serfs but not debuff the knights, that worked, and will be something I keep in mind for future scenarios. Lots of pics of neat minis so that hopefully my terrible writing was a bit more palatable. Sure to be more and bigger battles going forward. 

Still thirsty,

Friday, November 16, 2018

Lord Hollowell of Great Bridge

Warden of the Western Waterways, Councilmen of Peers in the city of River Ford, Adviser to Lord Brathburn of the Western Marches, Scourge of the Hag Swamp bandits and many other grandiose titles, etc.

Lord Hollowell of Great Bridge
accompanied by his faithful levy

Like most of his peers he wears
elaborate finery to indicate his

Nobles of the Western Marches can
usually be found on the field with
one or more personal banners.

Clad in full plate harness and atop
an armored destrier, the Lord
is an able combatant.

To distinguish his personal troops
from the rest of the levy, Lord
Hollowell ensures that they wear
all white, and his camp train always
has more laundresses than any other.

This command stand is made from Essex Miniatures renaissance range, mounted general, medium pikeman and a crossbowman in visored helmet. I added a pavise from the Essex Eastern European Medieval range, and a banner made from foil and hand painted. I have to say that I was blown away with how nice the Gendarmes and similar mounted figures from Essex are. They have really nice bulk and sharp detail on their armor, they'd be a breeze to paint in mass with a simple scheme but I'm not likely to plow through mine since I've been enjoying a slower detailed approach. This mini is for my fantasy setting but would totally be at home in a Renaissance army as a mercenary captain.

Still thirsty,

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Italian Pike

These are some excellent little minis from Alternative Armies, part of their Renaissance range of minis for use in their game Furioso. For me they will likely find action using Lion Rampant or in my fantasy setting using Dragon Rampant.

This is about half the total number that I have, they'll
likely be Foot Yeomen or Foot Serjeants depending on
how long I want them to hold on the table.

This is a champion or foot captain
converted from a standard

This fancy little fellow is my
Condottiero, looks a bit smug.

Also converted up a pavise
These have been a fun batch of minis to paint and work on. Perfect to be Italian city-state troops or mercenaries in a historical setting but equally suited to being troops of the Duke of Valentino in my fantasy setting.

Still thirsty,

Ordinance of Levy for the Western Marches

Ordinance of Levy for the Western Marches

 At such a time as the ruling authority of the Western Marches, lawfully appointed by the August Body of Representatives of the Medial Kingdoms, shall deem it necessary to raise a levy for mutual defense of the land, all men aged over fourteen summers and being fit and able to work shall present themselves to their local Marshall to serve the common good.

 Such men shall bring a sturdy jacket of white or blue, stockings of white or blue, food and provisions enough for three days, a blade of good length, stout shoes made of leather, and cloth or hide enough to use as a shelter.

Failing this a man shall pay a fine of five Guilders so that he may contribute to the common defense. Should a man be both unable to provide himself or coin for the levy, he shall be branded an outlaw and his worldly goods shall be forfeit, any giving aid to such a man shall be subject to punishment fitting the aid given.

The length of service within the levy shall be no less than two weeks and no longer than needed to address the reason for raising the levy. All men will be provided with provisions, pikes, fodder, reasonable care for wounds received, and training while serving in the levy, these things will be paid for from the common tax at the discretion of the Marshall with consent of the ruling authority of the Western Marches.

Men serving in the levy shall act according to the dictates of their commander and shall at all times behave in a way that is lawful and good. Men serving in the levy shall not loot, drink excessively, fight without cause and supervision of the Marshall, nor catch the game of the land or water without being ordered to do so. Men of the levy who violate these terms shall be punished by their Marshall at his discretion and in a manner fitting the violation. Men may appeal to a Court Martial if they dispute the ruling of their Marshall.

 By order of the Medial Collegiate in the Name of the Medial Kingdoms

The levy gathered together.

They march under the banner of
Lord Brathburn.

The levy traditionally fights with
pike, sword, and halberd.

All these men also bear the patch
of the House of Brathburn on
the breast of their jackets.

Got a ton more of these minis on the painting table, nifty figures from Essex Miniatures, full range with lost of different weapon options. I have a number of them group based that need some painting attention, hope to have a few more examples done soon. These will pull double duty as historical mercenaries and as my human troops in my fantasy setting.

Still thirsty,