Friday, January 25, 2019

15mm High Medieval Minis from Alternative Armies

I've been painting these besides working on my Hussite War minis and the odd fantasy or Italian Wars figures. I've based all these as singles so I could work on my color schemes and heraldic badges, but I have the rest of the units multi-based as that style has grown on me a little.

Sir Roland Hollowell, I think
this fellow
will be the leader of my retinue.

Sir Roland is getting on in years but
he insists on taking to the battlefield
to lead his men personally.

A less common version of a halved
shield design.

I think I'll use mostly muted tones but
with bright splashes like this
crossbowman's red surcoat.

I like the combination of muted green
and yellow on this axeman.

Decided on a striped pattern on this
swordsman, as well as his red
arming cap.

I imagine the ranged troops as being
part of retained garrison for Sir
Hollowell's castle.

As a group I think they have a cohesive feel.

I also have a few peasants that serve
as serfs.

Or maybe even fierce foot as a number
of them have hefty weapons like this

Either way they are likely to make a
mess on the battlefield.

Sir William Stout.

Recently elevated to knighthood,
Sir William has much to prove and
much to gain from a successful

Sir Arnold of Bonen.

Sir Arnold is well traveled and
an avid tourney participant. While
he seeks his fortunes on the field of
honor his estate languishes.

Can't wait to get some more of these painted up so I can have some proper medieval skirmishes. I'll likely take the advice given in Lion Rampant and split the collection of minis in half and enjoy some land disputes between rival lords.

Still thirsty,

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

New Year, New Stuff

Once again the calendar is out of days and we roll into another year that is hopefully filled with new hobby projects, minis, games and all manner of exciting things. Here are a few more minis that I've been working on during what was a very busy holiday season for me between work and celebratory obligations.

More 15mm Hussite Spearmen, great
to work on the pavise shields.

My Hussite spear block continues to slowly expand, I just
need to get off my butt and finish my War Wagons to really
bolster their defensive line.

I've started working on a number of earlier 15mm medieval minis, most of these were bought initially to see if they were compatible with my Hussite minis. They scale well alongside my Hussite and Crusader forces but they are clearly more 13th or 14th century in their arms and armor, so I've grouped them together to make a Hanseatic themed high medieval army built along the lines of a Lion Rampant force.

Nifty spearman with a pike a good
little shield to paint heraldry on.

Crossbowman in mail and skullcap,
I've tried to stick to a simple but
bright color pallet.

Brutal looking axeman, clearly ready
to try and break the enemy's line.

Another savage looking combatant,
his arms and armor mark him as a
professional among the levy.

Simple little archer ready to loose
volleys on his foes.

Soldier with a plancon, a vicious
weapon that certainly looks like
it will get the job done.

All assembled with  a mounted knight in the
heraldry of the house of Hollowell.

A better look at the knight, I painted
him based on a coat of arms that I
found online associated with the
name Hollowell. 

I liked the high medieval minis so much that I've got many more on order so I can build a full 24 point retinue for Lion Rampant, but I'm not sure that I have opponents for them, so I may paint about half of them in different colors so I can split the miniature collection down the middle and have some pitched battles till I collect an army of French or Baltic troops to have some proper battles.

I've got quite the backlog of things to paint and I'll endeavor to share them here when I get some decent paint and pictures done. Hoping for another battle soon and maybe a whole week of battles if I can ever get my vacation from work.

Still thirsty,