Friday, September 27, 2019


Shrouded in mists, both mundane and mystical, Gloomburg rests as a dim bastion of Sigmar's light in the Realm of Shadow. Its human populace labors daily to eke an existence from a harsh land benighted by the ravages of undeath and the dire machinations of the followers of Chaos. Despite their hardships, the free peoples of Gloomburg thrive in a unique way, they are able to harness useful vapor from the mists and bring light to winding dilapidated streets of their city bringing a measure of safety to the vulnerable citizens who dwell within its walls.

Gloomburg is centered around a once forgotten shrine to Sigmar, the verdigris dome of this structure is much like the people of the city, stained from exposure to the Realm of Shadow but standing defiant with a noble purpose and resolute solidarity. Around this temple mount are clustered the homes and shops of the citizens of Gloomburg, each building is festooned with the curious gas-powered lights and slow burning torches that provide the illumination needed for day to day life. Beyond these structures lies the Great Mausoleum Fields, many square acres of graves and shrines that hold the Sanctified Dead, those who rest quietly after their entombment. The final edifice of the living is the long curtain wall which rings the Great Mausoleum Fields, the garrison of the wall is called the Mystguard, these brave souls stand in defiance of the terrors that would see all the people of Gloomburg slain or worse.

The people of Gloomburg do not stand alone in their struggle however, the Stormcast Eternals, heavenly champions of Sigmar, maintain a small presence in the city; these noble champions buoy the spirits of the suffering people of Gloomburg and fight those threats too dire for the Mystguard to handle by themselves. The Stormcast are not the only allies of the free people of Gloomburg, a small community of duardin live withing the city, and more extraordinarily the Kharadron Overlords operate a trade dock that brings in vital supplies in exchange for the right to exploit the the aether-gold present in the mists around Gloomburg.

1 comment:

  1. excellent as always! you always manage to paint a good picture concisely, its like a spooky victorian constantinople, surrounded on all sides by unspeakable nightmares.
