Thursday, September 6, 2018

War Wagon

Sort of anyway, at the moment it's more of a bag full of metal parts but it will be a mighty rolling bastion of the Hussite faith, at least in 15mm. I am unsure on how I want to build it. I have a number of crossbowmen and handgunners that would be appropriate, as well as men armed with all manner of polearm including flails. Not sure if I want to focus on making it a little diorama piece or a more practically minded wargaming item. The design of the kit leaves the possibilities quite open.

Neatly packed with horses.

The kit has everything, even triangular
 loopholes for shooting at Catholics.

So far this is the only War Wagon that I've purchased, it's from Alternative Armies and is exactly what I expected. The kit is a little pricey but given the number of panels I do understand the cost. I also purchased a swivel gun and some crew models from Alternative Armies, all neat little fellows if a little small but none of them are lacking for character, my favorite is the flailman with chained flail, a particularly wicked looking means of attacking from the protection of a wagon. My minis are meant to be used for playing Lion Rampant, so I may stick to making this as interesting a diorama piece as I can, or I may try to come up with some rules to represent it inside the abstractions of that game.

Still thirsty,

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